Cryotherapy: Medical Procedure Or Fad?

First and foremost, cryotherapy works. It has proven itself in health care clinics across Asia, where it was developed, and then across most of Europe. Cryotherapy is now in the U.S., and offered via salons and spas. It is slowly receiving enough recognition for its benefits by the medical community that some doctors are bringing the walk-in cryo-chambers into their offices. If you still cannot decide if cryotherapy is a valid medical procedure or treatment, or some passing fad, read the following. Read More 

Three Health Conditions That Can Worsen Your Bunion Pain

While there are plenty of people who have bunions, not everyone feels bothered by this foot condition that results in a significant-sized lump on the joint of each of your big toes. If you currently have bunions, you'll want to visit a podiatrist to get some suggestions for managing this condition. Surgery may eventually be your only course of action, but if your pain isn't significant, you can often manage your bunions through a variety of simple methods — especially if they aren't causing you pain. Read More 

3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Skeptical About Physical Therapy

Although there are lots of people who are completely trusting of different healthcare practitioners, this isn't always the case. There are some individuals who feel skeptical about healthcare that isn't traditional—in other words, they might feel that anyone short of their family doctor won't provide valuable care. If you're someone who has these beliefs, it's ideal if you can work to change your mind. This is especially true if you're dealing with physical issues for which different practitioners could be value. Read More 

Anxious About Puberty Discussions? Schedule A Meeting With The Pediatrician

Many parents aren't thrilled with the idea of discussing puberty-related topics with their child as he or she reaches that age, but doing so is a duty that you should aim to perform. However, if you truly feel challenged to have this sort of important discussion with your child, you shouldn't just ignore what is happening. Instead, recruit help from an expert source — your child's pediatrician. He or she can speak to your child to go over a series of critical topics, as well as answer any questions that your child may have. Read More 

Preservation Plan For Your Peepers

You rely on their vision throughout every waking moment, but do you take your eyesight for granted? You only get one pair of functioning eyes, and those eyes have to last a lifetime. They are valuable, and you need to take care of them throughout your life to keep them healthy and to preserve your vision. Following some proactive tips will help you to maintain the health of your eyes and ensure that they will continue to see your world from now through your golden years. Read More