Three Urine Flow Issues That Should Prompt You To Seek Prostate Cancer Screening

When you're urinating, it's easy to be focused on anything but the task at hand. Perhaps you're thinking about what you're going to do next, or maybe you're just enjoying the break in your day and are making a point of relaxing your mind. It doesn't hurt to pay attention to the process of urinating, though, as doing so may give you an early warning sign regarding certain health issues. The flow of your urine, in particular, can sometimes have a link with prostate cancer. Read More 

Why You Should See A Urologist For Incontinence

If you struggle with urinary incontinence, you might feel uncertain about knowing how to proceed. For a lot of people, there's a stigma about this condition — and this can make you resistant to the idea of reaching out to someone for help. Instead of continuing to deal with this difficult and occasionally embarrassing condition on your own, you should contact a local urology center to set up an appointment. You'll be able to meet with a urologist to discuss your condition and receive help in several ways. Read More 

Should You Consider Enrolling In A Luxury Rehab Center In Bali?

Battling a drug addiction can seem like a never-ending cycle, but you should not wallow in despair. Instead, you should keep searching for the best rehabilitation approach to suit your needs so that you have a fighting chance to recover. Although some people view rehabilitation centers as jail-like facilities, you should bear in mind that some centers fully focus on providing the patient with a premium experience, which allows them the opportunity to focus on their wellness rather than suffer additional emotional turmoil. Read More 

Tips to Avoid Relapse After Inpatient Anorexia Treatment

Many patients who suffer from anorexia choose to stay at an inpatient treatment clinic for several months so they can get the reset they need to move towards recovery. However, a certain number of patients do relapse once they return home from inpatient treatment. Relapse is simply a part of recovery for some patients with eating disorders, but that does not mean you are powerless against it. Here are some tips to help you avoid relapse when you return home from inpatient anorexia treatment. Read More 

How Doctors Use Telehealth to Deliver Timely Treatment for Mental Health Disorders

Patients struggling with mental health disabilities are often underserved in the traditional healthcare system. This means that they have more trouble finding a doctor, accessing treatment, and purchasing much-needed medications. Telehealth and Telemedicine provide innovative healthcare delivery opportunities for those with mental health disorders. From PTSD in veterans to depression in college students, doctors are using technology to access more patients and deliver timely treatment.  Video conferencing, interactive mobile apps, and customized treatment plans make mental health conditions easier to diagnose and manage early on. Read More