Women’s Health: 2 Things You May Not Know

 For women, health aging is vital. In order to age healthy, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some good habits that you need to follow include eating healthy, being active, staying on top of recommended screenings, and managing any health conditions that you may have. There are a couple of things that you may not realize when it comes to women's health.   1. You Can Breathe Away Your Fat Read More 

Work With Your Midwife To Develop An Ideal Birth Plan

When you're pregnant, hiring a midwife makes sense for a lot of reasons. The constant support that you receive, not only when you're in labor, but also before and after, makes your midwife a trusted ally as you navigate this challenging time in your life. When you hire a midwife, you'll talk a lot about the process of giving birth, so it's useful to actually write up a birth plan. Whether you wish to give birth at a hospital or in your own home, a birth plan in which you describe your ideal labor process can ensure that your midwife can implement as many of these wishes as possible, situation permitting. Read More 

FAQs About Childhood Asthma

If your child is having trouble catching his or her breath, having chest pain, or coughing a lot, you will want to visit your pediatrician to check for asthma. Although asthma can cause lung inflammation, it is quite common and can be managed. Here are some questions you may have if your child is diagnosed with asthma. Will Your Child Always Have Asthma? Every child is different. Some children outgrow their asthma, while others may have it go away temporarily, only to return sometime in their adult years. Read More 

4 Tips For Easing Your Child’s Anxiety Before A Pediatrician Visit

One of the most significant challenges you may face when raising children is experiencing firsthand the anxiety about a doctor's visit. Regardless if the visit is to get a shot or routine checkup, it's not uncommon for your kid to become overly stressed. The good news is there are many things you can do to help ease the tension in this situation and knowing what these are may be extremely beneficial to you. Read More 

Running A Business? 2 Types Of Drug Testing

If you do not want to employ any individual who uses drugs, you can make sure that you have a drug free workplace by requiring employees to take a drug test. This could be a condition of gaining employment and you can also require random drug tests of your employees as well. Keep in mind that if you want to drug test your employees, the burden of paying for the drug tests falls on you. Read More